Pay attention to the follow rules:
[ Please do not burn CD's that have scratches or any other imperfection because it may play fine and not skip on your CD player, but those scratches will be read on the laser of the CD player and will be recorded onto the CDR as "clicks" which are very loud and will ruin the music.
[ Use the "disc-at-once"(DAO) or "fast-on-the-fly"(FOTF) method when recording to avoid gaps in between songs. (Notice: some of my old bootlegs have gaps between the songs and I can not take them off)
[ Please send excellent quality scans of the original artwork by email, the format must be JPEG or 100% original size. I would do the same if I got the cover of bootleg that you desired.
[ Hang on to your jewel cases, they take up to much room in the envelope and tend to break during the mailing process.
[ Send the CD's in protected sleeves to avoid damage. The cost of shipping is also lower without jewel cases.
[ Careful packaging, so there will be no shipping damage.Send the CD's in a bubble lined or any other protective package to avoid damage to the CD's.
[ Please include your name/address, and deal that your making inside the package in case the package gets opened by accident. And please do not write anything in the CD's that you have recorded.
[ Email saying when the bootlegs or other stuff were shipped.
[ If we're trading audio or video cassetes, the rules are the same. Please, send only video or audio cassetes complete full.
[ I'm not responsable if the video cassete do not play in your country. To have shure that it does, consult this list. ( Note: some video system are able to read others countries system but the quality couldn't be the same)
[ If you have any rule, please share it with me as soon as possible.
In our first trade I will wait your discs arrive here before ship your discs, itīs a security measure and I will not change this, in the next trades I will ship in the same day you ship.
I hope you understand and agree with this measures!
If you agree we're ready to trade, if you don't like my rules, I'm sorry but it just the way life goes!